Think Globally, Love Locally? – Popular Romance Studies comes to Sydney

Recently I was fortunate to attend some sessions the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance (aka IASPR) Conference with the theme ‘Think Globally, Love Locally?’ held in Sydney. Due to a combination of illness and other commitments I was unable to attend all the sessions.  I also apologise profusely to all those who […]

Breakout 5: Ally Blake – How to hook your reader

How critical is your first page, really? If it doesn’t grab the reader / editor / agent on the first page, you are done. Step 1:  Opening line Memorable Poetic Gets a laugh It out to connect, entice, tickle reader’s curiosity Make it impossible for a reader t put your book down Your opening line […]

Mary-Jo Putney: the noble art of storytelling

The internet has allowed anyone who wants to to be published, but doesn’t mean they have readers. Plenty of workshops on how to write, but not many on how to tell stories. Yet stories have power and is what attracts readers – which is why newspaper articles often lead in with a recap or a […]

Opening Plenary 1: Anita Heiss – Taking Your Niche to the Top

Anita Heiss is an academic, who started writing women’s fiction with indigenous heroines.  She has been accused of dumbing down her work, betraying readers of her academic works. However wanted to write stories for indigenous women that reflected life her experience – telling stories. She has been described as inventing Koori chick lit / choc […]

Breakout 2: Alison Goodman: Scene diagnosis

Alison Goodman is an Australian writer of Young Adult fiction, including YA historical supernatural fiction set in the Regency period. Her seminar looked at four different diagnositic tools that can be used to analyse a scene to work out if it works, and what can be improved. Useful tools to take your scenes to the […]

Breakout 1: Chris Corbett – How stories work

Chris Corbett has written over forty hours of television – including episodes of MISS FISHER’S MURDER MYSTERIES, STINGERS, THE DOCTOR BLAKE MYSTERIES, BLUE HEELERS, THE SECRET LIFE OF US, MCLEOD’S DAUGHTERS and ALL SAINTS. He also wrote and produced the short films FENCES and THE APPLICANT which have screened at various festivals around the world including Tropfest and […]

How to plot a pageturner: C.S. Pacat

Plotting to create ‘narrative traction’, the page turning quality that drives readers through a book (and keeps them up until 3am) Aims: To learn new way of thinking about both writing and reading that raises your awareness of how page turning quality is created To learn techniques and strategies for  writing narrative traction

Opening keynote address: Graham Simsion – Men in romance

Graham Simsion is the author of The Rosie Project, background is in script writing He is the only person who could have written The Rosie Project, but everyone has the ability to write their own story. Male protagonist (Don) was easy to write, Rosie was the hardest – was originally called Clara but she was […]