Plenary session: My Staffroom with Steamy Bits

Marion Lennox, a former university academic, and writer of more than 90 published romances, gave a very entertaining talk on what she has learned as a writer.

– sex is fun

– snakes don’t necessarily replace underpants (that was an editor’s suggestion in one of her early novels!)

– your editor is not your friend

– the editor is there to buy the best book they can for the best price

– treat your editor professionally and they will treat you professionally

And below the cut is the sealed section 😉

The five ‘Fs’ of romance:




Fabulous Fucking

(although Marion didn’t actually say the last word, she bleeped it out herself)

2 thoughts on “Plenary session: My Staffroom with Steamy Bits

  1. I have one more to go, nearly finished it. My computer dying and then not having access to my notes in MS Word put a huge dint on my ability to actually post them.

    I’m glad you have enjoyed my articles, I had a great time at the conference and really feel I learned a lot

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