Pavements, portals and light

When I went to Europe for my brother’s wedding, I ended up taking a lot of photos of gorgeous streetlamps, varied types of cobblestones and flagstones, and interesting (and usually very old) doors and windows.  I hadn’t done much with the photos until recently, when I started editing them and creating a few collages.

This first one is pavements – a mix of flagstones, cobblestones, brickwork and even hexagonal oak tiles (Trinity college).

Cobblestones and pavements. (c) Philippa Borland 2017

Originally I didn’t have captions on this but it wasn’t obvious what everything was so I am glad I added the text in.  I have to admit that I am somewhat addicted to typewriter fonts, so they tend to feature in my digital artwork a bit.


I didn’t label the doors, but I loved the different shapes and textures.  The feature one is the Portal of the Last Judgement, Notre Dame Cathedral.  From the top, the first two are in Ireland, then the door with the lamp is at Windsor Castle.  Along the bottom the left door is at the Tower of London, the next is Windsor Castle, and the other two are from around Hampton Court – the brown door is from the Tudor kitchens.  Obviously they are a mix of periods – medieval, Gothic, Tudor, Georgian.  All gorgeous.

And this is a closeup of the lamp at Windsor Castle – note the crown on top.

Lamp, Windsor Castle. (c) Philippa Borland 2017

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