I made this for one of my work colleagues, the 2nd of 5 that I want to finish by the end of the year. (Previous effort was Put on your wings).
Etoile is named after the stars on the woman. I wanted to use black and red for my colleague, and I really like the geometric look of the harlequin stamp at the top of the canvas. I added some white and gold to lift the light a bit, and I like the effect with the dangling beads at the bottom of the canvas.
The picture is a different style to the vintage woodcuts and the art nouveau images I have used in the past. The image is still vintage – probably from the 40s or 50s I would guess – but from an actual photograph which adds a different texture to the overall image.
I’m not sure what B thought of it, but I’m happy with how it turned out. And now I have to do 3 more in about 8 weeks. I know what I am going to do next, hopefully I’ll get it done on the weekend. It will be with wooden shapes like Waterlily, so I’ll see how I go.